Friday, June 14, 2013

Blueberries Ripening!

We're going to be open Saturday, June 14, for raspberry and blueberry picking. The leading berries look really pretty. There are Collins, Bluejay, Duke, and the leaders on the Blueray varieties of blueberries.

The raspberries look like their big yield will be in one more week. There are a lot of green berries on and a few that are red. There won't be an abundance tomorrow, but some will be ready to pick.  Our hours are 7 am to 2 pm or whenever the blue gets picked off.

Next week we're planning on being open Tuesday and Saturday for sure, unless we get rained out on Tuesday!  If the crop looks heavy we may open for picking an additional day.

Monday, June 10, 2013

We're going to be open for blueberry and raspberry picking on Tuesday, June 11th.  Les just looked out in the field and saw that the leading berries on the bluejay and the duke are blue.  They are just beginning, so there isn't a huge amount, but they're coming on!

Saturday, June 15th, is the next date that we plan to be open for picking.

We'll be open from 7:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. or until the blue gets picked!

Wednesday, June 5, 2013


Our red raspberries have just begun to ripen, so we're planning to be open on Saturday, June 8th, for raspberry picking.  There isn't a huge quantity yet; just the first few leading berries are ripe, but this means that the season for berry picking is on its way!

We're planning to open for blueberry picking on June 15th.  A few leading berries on our first variety are beginning to turn colors, but they aren't blue through and through yet.  Hopefully one more week will give them time to sweeten and turn completely blue on all sides.

This is the latest season that we've ever had following the year that was the earliest season on record.  We were picking raspberries in April last year!