Sunday, May 20, 2012

Picking Schedule

We're going to be picking berries Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday this week from 7:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. The Duke variety is bearing right now and the Blueray, Bluecrop and Collins are beginning to follow with their leading berries.  The nice thing about that is that those leaders are plump and good sized berries.  

The raspberries are also ready for picking.  The Nova variety is in full swing, the Heritage and Reveille have less volume, but are also ripe and the Royalty and Wye berries are ripe as well.  There are even a few black raspberries to try.  I love this time of year!


  1. What are your prices for pick your own?

    1. $12.00 per gallon for blueberries and blackberries, $2.50 per pint for raspberries.

  2. Do you have your picking schedule for next week? I'm excited to come! I'd also like to know the prices for pick your own. Thank you!

  3. Well, we got pretty picked out today. I think the berries need to ripen for several days so we may be open next Thursday, May 31st and Saturday, June 2.

    Prices for pick your own are: $12.00 per gallon for blueberries, $2.50 per pint for raspberries.
