Monday, May 4, 2020

May Flowers

Natchez Blackberries 5.4.20 - Row 3
They say that April showers bring May flowers, and May flowers bring June blueberries - but it's even better when those flowers in April turn to little green berries in May.  Now we can see that some of the blackberries made it through the freeze of April 15th and are already forming berries.

Freeze damage on Natchez
Sadly, we can also see the blooms that turned black in the center and were bit by the freeze.You can check the picture to the right and find the ones that the freeze affected.  However,  we definitely didn't lose the whole crop!

Blueray blueberries

The blueberries are beginning to gain some size and though they should have experienced some freeze damage, I'm not seeing it yet.  They look pretty normal  with the normal amount of berries if not more berries than usual. 

This last weekend I saw a bunny bouncing in the patch; it was hard to get a close shot on him as he was busy bouncing away!  It's those sweet little things that bring joy while you're out on the farm - bunnies, roses, sunshine and flourishing fat, green berries moving and ripening in the breeze.

       God is good - all the time!

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